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A Better You

Aging with Grace: How NOVOS Vital Chews Keep Your Organs Smiling

by Liquivida® on Sep 16, 2024 9:15:00 AM

Aging with Grace

Our bodies are, like our minds, in a state of regular flux. As we age, our vital organs gradually decline in function, impacting our overall well-being. Vital organs, once resilient and robust, begin to show signs of wear and tear with each passing year. 

The brain, once sharp and agile, may experience cognitive decline. The heart, tirelessly pumping life through our veins, may falter in its rhythm. The liver, the guardian of detoxification, may struggle under the weight of accumulated toxins. And so the list goes on. 

There are steps and measurements you can take to maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as exercise, eating high-nutrition food, and avoiding alcohol. While these lifestyle factors are necessary for healthy aging, we sometimes need an extra boost to comprehensively address the underlying mechanisms supporting organ health.

By understanding the specific needs of each organ and providing targeted support, Liquivida® proudly introduces NOVOS Vital chews, an innovative solution formulated to nourish and fortify key organ systems, paving the way for enhanced longevity and vitality.  

Understanding the Essence of NOVOS Vital

NOVOS Vital chews stand as a testament to the fusion of cutting-edge science and nature's bounty. Crafted by experts in health and longevity, these tropical-flavored chews are meticulously designed to address the decline of vital organs associated with aging. With a blend of seven meticulously selected ingredients, NOVOS Vital shines as a ray of hope for anyone looking to take a holistic approach to well-being. 

Nourish Your Vital Organs

At the heart of NOVOS Vital lies a carefully curated blend of ingredients, each chosen for its unique ability to support and optimize essential organ functions: 

Cognitive Health

The brain, our command center, deserves unwavering care. NOVOS Vital's blend includes ingredients like Trehalose and Nattokinase, renowned for their neuroprotective properties. By fostering cellular health and reducing inflammation, these components fortify cognitive function, empowering you to stay sharp and focused. 

Cardiovascular Wellness

Our heart tirelessly pumps life through our veins, making cardiovascular health non-negotiable. With Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and Nattokinase, NOVOS Vital bolsters heart health, supporting circulation and maintaining optimal blood pressure levels. Say hello to a stronger, more resilient heart. 

Metabolic Support

Metabolism fuels our daily activities, influencing everything from energy levels to weight management. NOVOS Vital, enriched with Rutin and Inulin, aids metabolic processes, promotes efficient energy utilization, and aids in maintaining a healthy weight. Say goodbye to a sluggish metabolism! 

Muscular Strength

Muscles, the pillars of mobility, require continual nourishment. NOVOS Vital's formula, featuring Rutin and Inulin, supports muscle health, ensuring strength and flexibility as we age. Embrace vitality at every move. 

Microbiome Harmony

Gut health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, influencing digestion, immunity, and even mood. NOVOS Vital harnesses the power of Inulin to nurture a thriving gut microbiome, fostering digestion and bolstering immunity from within. Say hello to a happier gut! 

Vision Clarity

Our eyes are our windows to the world, deserving utmost care. NOVOS Vital incorporates Lutein and Zeaxanthin, antioxidants renowned for their vision-boosting prowess. Experience sharper focus and enhanced visual clarity with every chew. 


Incorporating NOVOS Vital into Daily Routine

The journey toward optimal organ health begins with a commitment to consistent daily consumption. 

  • Take four chews of NOVOS Vital daily, which can be split up across your meals or taken all together, depending on your preference.
  • NOVOS Vitals can be taken on their own. We recommend combining them with NOVOS Core and NOVOS Boost for the most complete combinatorial longevity effects.
  • Consistent daily consumption is recommended for best results.
  • Each pouch contains 120 chews for a 30-day supply based on the recommended daily usage.
  • Consume the chews before, during, or after a meal for optimal results.


With NOVOS, Vital longevity is no longer a distant dream but a tangible reality. Using the power of nature's finest ingredients and cutting-edge scientific research, NOVOS Vital provides your vital organs with a support system. Together, let's welcome this vitality-filled future, where every chew symbolizes our dedication to enhancing and nourishing your key organ systems, one day at a time.

Set up a consultation at any of our Liquivida® locations today!


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This post was written by Liquivida®