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Ditch The Hat! Put A Stop To Your Hair Loss!

Written by Jenna Kopec | Jun 22, 2022 12:00:00 PM

Hair is something that many people take pride in. Unfortunately, some of us begin to lose that pride when our once luscious locks fall away to baldness. If you’re a man experiencing male pattern baldness, you’re not alone! About 85 percent of men experience some form of balding by the time they are 50!Thankfully, you don’t have to give up on your pride and joy just yet. There are many different options when it comes to treatment for hair loss including a very effective solution known as PRP Therapy. However, to know if PRP therapy may be right for you, it’s important to first understand what causes hair loss and how it’s typically treated. 

What causes male pattern baldness?

Both men and women can lose hair and may experience baldness. However, it is far more common for men than women. So what causes male pattern baldness? The truth is that a variety of factors are at play.

The most common cause of hair loss is genetics. Some people experience hair thinning and then loss naturally as they age. This hair loss is not sudden — it happens gradually and usually follows a specific pattern such as a receding hairline. 

That being said, sometimes people experience hair loss due to other factors. Sometimes hormonal changes and certain medications can cause hair to thin or even fall out. Other times, stress or even certain hairstyles may be the culprit causing hair to fall out.

In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a doctor to determine the cause of your hair loss. This is especially true if you have begun taking a new medication or supplement or if you have any medical conditions that may be associated with hair loss. 

What are the options for hair loss treatment?

You may find that the market for baldness treatment is overwhelming. Many different forms of treatment can be summed up into the following categories:

  • Medication: Most often people might think of prescription or over-the-counter medicines like Rogaine. This is a well-known treatment for balding
  • Hair transplants: This is considered to be a surgical solution that involves moving hair follicles to new places on the skin. Unfortunately, this can be a costly, painful treatment. 
  • Laser treatment: Laser treatment is thought to reduce inflammation in hair follicles which could promise to be a fruitful hair loss treatment. 
  • Lifestyle changes: Alter certain lifestyle factors that could make a person more likely to lose his or her hair. This might include reducing stress or quitting smoking. 

While all of these options are good to explore during your hair loss treatment journey, there is another option that not as many people know about called PRP Therapy. 

PRP stands for “platelet-rich plasma.” Essentially, this treatment is a 3-step process that uses your own blood to stimulate hair growth! First, a patient’s blood is drawn. Then it’s processed to create a plasma serum that is injected into the scalp. 

What makes PRP therapy so effective?

PRP Therapy is used for many purposes because it uses your body’s biology to stimulate cell production. For example, many individuals use PRP as a skin treatment for acne scars or to manage their uneven skin tone. 

For hair loss treatments, the platelet-rich plasma stimulates natural hair growth by increasing blood flow to a specific area of hair follicles. This leads to an increased thickness of the hair shaft which over time leads to thicker hair. 

Are there any side effects to platelet-rich plasma hair treatment?

Since PRP uses your own blood, you’re not at risk for any communicable diseases. In general, this is a very low-risk procedure. However, it is possible to have skin irritation at the site of injection, scar tissue, or infection at the injection site. Any of these side effects are rare. 

It’s also important to note that PRP therapy may not be the treatment for you if you are on blood thinners or smoke heavily. This could increase unwanted complications from getting your blood drawn. 

What should I know before signing up for baldness treatment?

For PRP therapy to be effective, it has to be used consistently. As a patient, you will want to consider receiving treatment every 4 to 6 weeks depending on what’s recommended by your provider. The good news is that you can supplement the benefits of PRP Therapy with other methods of hair loss treatment. This can help expedite results. Your provider would be the best person to tell you what treatments or combination of treatments may work best for you. 

If I'm Interested in PRP therapy for Hair Loss, Where Should I Go?

If you’re ready to take control of your hair care and prevent hair loss with effective treatment, Liquivida can help!

Set up a consultation with our experts in hair loss treatment and PRP Therapy services in one of our Liquivida Wellness Center Locations. They’ll help you work out a treatment plan that works best for you and your unique situation. Don’t let go of your pride and joy — kick your hair loss to the curb!