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A Better You

From Aging Worries to Ageless Living: The NOVOS Boost Approach

by Liquivida® on Aug 16, 2024 9:15:00 AM

From Aging Worries to Ageless Living

Aging is an inevitable reality that we all have to deal with as we go through life. However, the consequences of growing older can pose serious problems, affecting our day-to-day activities in both little and major ways. 

The effects of aging can be felt in many different ways, influencing our well-being and quality of life. These effects range from decreased energy levels to cognitive decline and metabolic slowing.

These difficulties can often seem insurmountable to many, which breeds frustration and resignation. However, what if there was a way to welcome life with a fresh lease on life and lessen the symptoms of aging?

NOVOS Boost, the latest offering from Liquivida®, has the potential to completely change how we think about aging and longevity. 


NOVOS Boost represents the culmination of years of research and collaboration with top aging experts, offering a comprehensive approach to health and longevity.

At the heart of NOVOS Boost lies NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide), a potent compound renowned for bolstering NAD+ levels in the body. NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme essential for various cellular processes, including energy metabolism and DNA repair. As we age, NAD+ levels decline, contributing to a range of age-related issues such as fatigue, cognitive decline, and impaired metabolism. 


Key Issues NOVOS Boost Addresses

1. Energy Depletion: Fatigue and lethargy are common companions on the journey of aging, making it challenging to stay active and engaged in life. Whether it's struggling to keep up with daily tasks or feeling too drained to pursue passions and hobbies, low energy levels can diminish our enjoyment of life.

2. Cognitive Decline: Memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, and brain fog are all too familiar symptoms of aging that can hinder our ability to think clearly and perform daily tasks effectively. As cognitive function declines, so too does our independence and quality of life.

3. Metabolic Slowdown: As we age, our metabolism naturally slows down, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight and regulate blood sugar levels. This can lead to a host of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, putting our long-term health at risk.

4. DNA Damage: Environmental stressors, oxidative damage, and the natural aging process can all take a toll on our DNA, leading to cellular dysfunction and increased susceptibility to disease. Protecting and repairing our DNA is crucial for maintaining optimal health and longevity.

With NOVOS Boost, you can reclaim control over your health and vitality, addressing these key issues with a scientifically backed formulation that delivers real results. Powered by high-purity NMN, a potent precursor to NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), NOVOS Boost works at the cellular level to boost energy, enhance cognitive function, support metabolism, and protect DNA integrity.

Recommended Use

  • Take two capsules per day, 1 to 2 times daily, with or without meals.
  • If desired, it can be taken sublingually by opening the capsules and pouring pure contents under the tongue.
  • To achieve an energy boost, take 3-4 capsules together.


Each bottle contains 60 capsules of 125 mg each.

NOVOS Boost is more than just a supplement – it's a ray of hope for people who want to reject the constraints of aging and live a vibrant, purposeful life. Join us on this journey towards a brighter, healthier future, where every capsule represents a step towards maximizing the full potential of your longevity.

Set up a consultation at any of our Liquivida® locations today!


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This post was written by Liquivida®