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A Better You

Sunny Days, Healthy Ways: NOVOS Core for Skin, Hydration, and Vitality

by Liquivida® on Jul 20, 2024 9:15:00 AM

Sunny Days, Healthy Ways

As summer arrives with its warmth and sunshine, it brings not only longer days but also unique challenges for maintaining our health and well-being. The hot months require extra attention to skincare, hydration, and overall health to ensure we can enjoy the season to its fullest. 

Aging, with its inevitable impact on our energy levels, skin, mood, cognition, and overall health, becomes even more evident under the summer sun. But aging isn't just about the number of candles on your birthday cake; it's about the quality of the life you live as you age.

Thankfully, science has discovered ways to slow down the aging process and enhance our health span—the period during which we remain healthy and free from serious illness. Here are some science-backed ways to stay healthy and vibrant during the summer: 

1- Nutritional Optimization: Consuming a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can help combat oxidative stress. Foods like berries, leafy greens, and fatty fish support cellular health and longevity.

2- Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water and eating hydrating foods like cucumbers and watermelon are essential for skin health and overall well-being. Aim for at least 6 glasses of water a day, and more if you're active or spending time outdoors.

3- Sun Protection: The summer sun can cause premature aging and increase skin cancer risk. Protect your skin with broad-spectrum sunscreen, protective clothing, and seek shade during peak sun hours. Antioxidants like vitamin C can provide internal protection against UV damage.

4- Regular Exercise: Physical activity promotes mitochondria production and activates longevity genes that help repair DNA damage. Engage in outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, and cycling to boost both physical and mental health.

5- Stress Management: Chronic stress accelerates aging by triggering inflammation and damaging cells. Practices like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can lower stress levels and promote overall well-being.

6- Quality Sleep: Sleep is crucial for our bodies to repair and regenerate. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to support optimal physical and cognitive function as you age.

While these lifestyle choices are necessary for your overall health you may need an extra boost in summer to comprehensively address your skin health and the underlying mechanisms of aging. This is where NOVOS Core comes in.



Liquivida® is happy to introduce you to NOVOS Core, a brand with an innovative approach to anti-aging supplements. Their passion is to invent solutions to help you live a longer, healthier life.

NOVOS Core isn't just another anti-aging product; it's a meticulously crafted formulation backed by years of scientific research. Developed by a team of world-renowned longevity scientists and medical doctors, NOVOS Core targets the 12 root causes of aging with its proprietary blend of 12 highly effective longevity FDA-approved ingredients.

Natural Ingredients

  • Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG): Known for extending lifespan and protecting cells against damage, AKG supports a healthy metabolism and epigenome.
  • Fisetin: With its ability to manage senescent cells and combat inflammation, fisetin contributes to cellular rejuvenation and longevity.
  • Magnesium: Essential for DNA integrity and inflammation control, magnesium promotes overall health and vitality.
  • Glycine: Linked to heart health and glucose metabolism, glycine extends lifespan and fights inflammation.
  • Pterostilbene: Derived from blueberries, pterostilbene supports epigenetic stability and cellular health.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: Known for its skin-rejuvenating properties, hyaluronic acid reduces wrinkles and supports tissue repair.
  • Rhodiola Rosea: Enhancing nerve regeneration and cellular function, Rhodiola contributes to longevity and vitality.
  • L-Theanine: Found in green tea, theanine upregulates aging-protective proteins and antioxidative enzymes.
  • Microdosed Lithium: Supporting healthy brain aging, microdosed lithium extends lifespan across species.
  • Vitamin C: Alongside AKG, vitamin C maintains proper epigenetic regulation and cellular health.
  • Malate: Derived from apples, malate promotes energy production and lifespan extension.
  • Ginger: With its antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, ginger supports overall health and longevity.

How NOVOS Core Complements Summer Health

  • Skin Health: The hyaluronic acid and antioxidants like vitamin C in NOVOS Core provide an extra layer of protection against sun damage and help maintain youthful, hydrated skin.
  • Hydration and Cellular Health: Ingredients like AKG and magnesium support hydration and cellular health, crucial during hot summer days.
  • Energy and Vitality: As you engage in summer activities, the blend of longevity-promoting ingredients helps sustain your energy levels and overall vitality.
  • Inflammation Control: Ingredients such as fisetin, magnesium, and ginger help manage inflammation, which can be exacerbated by sun exposure and physical activities during summer.
  • DNA Repair and Protection: The combination of AKG, pterostilbene, and microdosed lithium supports DNA integrity and repair, providing a robust defense against cellular damage caused by UV radiation.
  • Mood and Cognitive Support: Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it can also be stressful. Ingredients like Rhodiola Rosea and L-theanine help manage stress and support cognitive function, ensuring you stay sharp and balanced.
  • Immune Support: Ingredients such as vitamin C and ginger enhance your immune system, helping you stay healthy and ward off summer colds and infections.


Aging may be inevitable, but how we age is not set in stone. By incorporating NOVOS Core into your daily routine, you're not just slowing down aging; you're opening your body's full potential for health and vitality. With its convenient sachet format and delicious flavor options, NOVOS Core makes healthy aging easier and more enjoyable than ever before.

So why wait?

Start your journey towards a healthier, more youthful future today with NOVOS Core- defy the limitations of time and live each day to the fullest. 

Your body will thank you for it.

Set up a consultation at any of our Liquivida® locations today!


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This post was written by Liquivida®