If you're like most people, you probably don't consume your daily dose of vitamins and minerals, let alone experience their valuable benefits. Nutrient IV Therapy is a safe and effective way to receive natural vitamins, minerals, and amino acids direct to the bloodstream. The 30 to 45-minute session enhances your energy, improves your overall mood, and helps prevent future health conditions caused by stress, malnutrition, and dehydration.
No major side effects are usually seen; however, people do experience some cooling of the arm and a mineral taste in the mouth. Do not worry, as this is all normal.
Our nutrient IV’s take approximately 30-45 minutes for the drip to be fully administered.
Nutrient IVs are similar to IV’s you would find at your local hospital. They all consist of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which are found in the body naturally. Adding these nutrients gives the body more of what your organs need to function properly.
None of our IV’s contain toxins that are found in medicine or pharmaceuticals, so no one experiences an overdose of any kind. If you are healthy, theoretically it is safe for daily use.
Realistically, most people do not put such high demands on their bodies where they would need daily nutrient IV Therapy.Our most frequent dosage is a bi-weekly program. But you should tailor your IV Therapy to your lifestyle.
Depending on your nutritional and hydration status you may see dramatic effects after the first IV. People who get IV’s regularly will feel less dramatic effects as their body starts to obtain optimal hydration and nutritional balance.
Everyone’s pain tolerance is different. While some people find needles to be relatively painless, others will find it a bit painful. For these patients, we have ways of making the process more comfortable. However, this procedure is in no way excruciating. We use a smaller needle than what is used in children's hospitals.
If you retain fluids, have kidney problems, or suffer from certain health conditions, you should not engage in nutrient IV Therapy.
We always recommend that you check with your primary care physician if you’re unsure. However, anyone with a healthy history can safely obtain its benefits.
Negative reactions are slim to none, since this procedure is proven to be advantageous and safe. Either way, everyone is monitored and if some discomfort begins, we will simply monitor you over time and stop if necessary.
Most people respond favorably to the therapy, feeling energized and alert from the beginning.
IV Therapy is a premium service that improves your body’s performance enormously. It is an investment, so if you compare the price against the benefits you receive from it, you’ll find it’s worth it.
Users agree that preventative medicine such as nutrient IV Therapy strengthens their immune system, helping them avoid expensive doctor visits and prescription medication that come from something like a severe cold or allergy.
After your session, you can go about your day as you would normally. There are no restrictions. We recommend that you exercise, meditate, eat healthy meals, stay hydrated, and get enough rest daily.
Not quite. Even though all IV drips are administered using the same procedure the quantities and nutrients on each one are different, since they look to achieve specific goals (skin lightening, muscle recovery, mental focus, etc.). You can learn more about our IV drip selection right here.
Men MD, located at 10901 Roosevelt Boulevard N., #100B, St. Petersburg, FL 33716. You can learn more about them here.