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Start feeling better about how you age through hormone replacement therapy.

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

HRT uses injections, provided under medical supervision, to fight low hormone levels, as well as andropause and menopause symptoms.

If you’re a man or woman over 30, you will continue to experience changes to your body, which affects your regular workouts, sexual drive, and overall energy levels.

Our HRT treatment also includes progesterone, thyroid growth hormone, luteinizing hormone (LH),  follicle stimulating (FSH), DHT, and DHEA to help you get back on your A-game.

HRT Liquivida Telehealth


How can HRT help you?


If you're over 30, this is for you. As you age, your body will continue to change.

You may notice a decline in energy and muscle mass, which greatly affects how you feel about yourself.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is your solution!

We can help you replenish depleted hormone levels to keep you balanced.

We'll also show you how to fight andropause and menopause symptoms and correct any vitamin deficiencies you may not know about.



Overall HRT Benefits:

  • Regular hormone injections promote youth and vitality.
  • Mitigate some andropause and menopause symptoms.
  • Feel stronger and younger, and complete daily tasks with more endurance and passion.
  • Build up your stamina to stay physically fit, strong, and energetic.

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