Which Weight Loss Program is Right For You?
Burn fat in difficult areas to sculpt your physique as you want.
Liquivida offers personalized weight loss programs tailored to your needs. Our programs include a consultation, and may also include body scans, comprehensive blood work, nutritional counseling, lipotropic injections and prescription medications, such as GLP-1s.
Our lipotropic injections are a quick and simple solution to reduce fat in places where exercise is sometimes inadequate.
GLP-1 injections will effectively assist you in reducing your calorie intake by decreasing your hunger, slowing down the stomach's digestion of food, and reducing your body fat percentage over time with benefits that last!
At Liquivida®, we are with you every step of the way to ensure you're losing weight properly, effectively and healthily. If recommended per your consultation, combining GLP-1 injections with Lipotropic B12 shots for additional fat burn may be an optimal solution to burn fat, shape the body & lower your metabolism for long-term results & maintenance.